Meet Sister M. Magdala Davlin, OSF
Sandusky, OH
From 1965-1970, Sister taught grades 1 and 5 in OH and MN, then returned to school to study nursing. She spent the next 44 years in the ministry of health care, serving at nine medical facilities in TX, OH, and MI. Most notably, she served as RN/Head Nurse/CI Supervisor at Holy Cross Hospital in Detroit from 1978-1987, as Director of Nursing at Providence Care Center in Sandusky from 1990-2000, and then at Rosary Care Center until 2004. For the next decade, she concentrated on healing through spiritual care as Pastoral Care Director at Trinity Medical Ctr. West in Steubenville. Since returning to the Motherhouse in 2015, her ministry transitioned again to student as she studies Art at Lourdes University and serves at Alverno studio as an accomplished artist.
A divine presence permeates my being and all things will be made right. “My father told me this many years ago and I found it beautiful and mystical. I find now that it is more and more true,” Sister says simply.