Creation is God’s gift to us. Respect and care for creation is our gift back to God.


2012-2016 Peacemaking Initiative: We the Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania, Ohio, will focus, both personally and communally, on study, reflection and action regarding the Franciscan call to peacemaking, care for the Earth and concern for the poor, in light of our Franciscan Values.

Sylvania Franciscan Corporate Stance – Adopted June 2004: As followers of St. Francis of Assisi whose deep love of God opened to him the intrinsic relationship among all people, creatures and creation, we, the Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania, Ohio and our Associates endorse the Earth Charter.


Catholic Climate Covenant:

Catholic Coalition on Climate Change:

Earth as Our Home Resource:

Franciscan Action Network:

Global Catholic Climate Movement,

Interfaith Power and Light:

New American Dream:

Science Alliance for Valuing the Environment (S.A.V.E.), Inc.:

Sierra Club,

St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor

Toledo-Lucas County Sustainability Commission:

“Going Beyond Green” – Sustainability Plan for Toledo & Lucas County, OH:

United Nations – Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform (Website):

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Union of Concerned Scientists:

US Catholic Conference of Bishops:,

America Magazine:

Laudato Si’ A Map:

Archdiocese of Washington

Study Guide to Laudate Si’

Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach

Laudato Si’ Study and Action Guide for Individuals and Small Groups

The Interfranciscan Commission for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, August 2015 Study Guide for Laudato Si’

National Catholic Reporter

Rev. Thomas Reese, A Readers’ Guide to Laudato Si’. National Catholic Reporter,

US Catholic Conference of Bishops

Laudato Si’ Discussion guide,

Vatican video on the Encyclical,

Sisters' Stories

Sister Brenda unwraps office plants-sm

Sister Brenda Hawley

Sister Brenda is convinced of the connection between green space and mental health. She’s become a champion of mini-gardens and of plants. At her apartment, you’ll find green pepper and broccoli growing among the roses, lilies and mums. Her second love is where she works in All Good Things Art & Gifts, creating mini plants for customers who visit.
Sr. Rosine with Linda Penn

Sister Rosine Sobczak

My love for Earth began early on with my grandparents and parents who loved to get us outside every time they could. Walks in the woods with my maternal grandfather were a special treat and I learned a lot from him. Those early days probably laid the foundation for a call which I heard in a dream during my Silver Jubilee retreat in 1990 after reflecting on a Scripture quote from Luke 12:49 – “I have come to light a fire on the earth. How I wish the blaze were enkindled already.” The stirred something deep inside of me and I interpreted this as a call to start a vortex of energy to work to protect our planet, and I began a nature program for children and founded an environmental organization called the Science Alliance for Valuing the Environment (S.A.V.E.) Inc. I did what an educator does – teach about it as my parents and grandparents taught me. That’s exactly what I have been doing for the past 30 years and plan to continue doing for as long as the call remains alive in me!
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