A glorious time of remembering, of gratitude, of honoring the Franciscan spirit

As Sylvania Franciscans, we celebrated 100 years of Franciscan presence in 2016! What a glorious time of remembering, of gratitude, of honoring the spirit and the wisdom of those who have gone before us! Today is a time of challenge as we carry on the spirit of Mother Adelaide who dared to take risks, who had a dream and a vision for the future. It is a time for celebrating the tremendous love of our God who is within us and among us.
On December 8, 1916 Mother Adelaide Sandusky, our foundress, along with 22 other Sisters, responded to the call from Bishop Schrembs to come to Toledo, Ohio from Rochester, Minnesota to educate the children of Polish immigrants. Over the years, Mother Adelaide saw the potential in the women who would follow her to create the dynamic congregation we are today. Mother Adelaide also envisioned the possibilities in the 89 acres of barren land of Sylvania; she knew that beauty, art and nature could transform the bleak and sandy soil into the beautiful sacred space that is our motherhouse campus today.
We continue to pray in gratitude for the legacy of love and service that Mother Adelaide created. We pray for God’s guidance as we journey into the future filled with hope. May we continue to reflect the spirit of Mother Adelaide, St. Francis and St. Clare each day as we
live the Gospel
in joyful servanthood among all people
as messengers of peace,
as we commit ourselves to works that
reverence human dignity,
and as we embrace the poor and marginalized,
and respect the gift of all creation.
(Mission Statement, Sisters of St. Francis)