I Believe in You!

Taking the Gospel message to the online world 
September 13, 2017
Dreams – God’s forgotten language
September 21, 2017
Taking the Gospel message to the online world 
September 13, 2017
Dreams – God’s forgotten language
September 21, 2017

by Sr. Brenda Rose Szegedy

“I Believe in You!”

Each one of us at one time or another has been challenged to step out from the familiar into the unknown.   Back in the mid-1980’s after a wonderful teaching ministry of 22 years and having just completed an intense program of studies, our Congregational Minister at the time, missioned me to begin my first assignment in retreat ministry and spiritual direction.  I was headed to Vianney Retreat Center located in a remote rural area in eastern Ohio about a seven hour drive from Sylvania.

There were many difficult goodbyes to those I had come to know and love in the Sylvania/Toledo area, and at the same time I was excited about my new beginnings and looking forward to widening my circle of relationships, becoming part of a newly formed staff which included four Sisters from my community, welcoming retreatants, and having the opportunity to walk with others on their faith journey.  A few days prior to leaving for my new mission, fearful questions began to plague my mind and there I was, second guessing myself!
Do you really know what you’re getting into?  Are you prepared enough?  What if you don’t do well?
What if this really isn’t your calling despite your dream of many years, your intense preparation, your prayerful discernment, and the blessing of your community leadership?
What if this really isn’t God’s will for you?
No one knows you there!  Wouldn’t it have been better if you just stayed put in the field of education?
And on and on it went!  With each question my fears mounted and seemed to take away any enthusiasm I had left.

I decided one evening to share my fearful heart with a dear friend, Diane, one of our Sisters in community with whom I lived at the time.  She listened intently.  It’s as if she listened to the “something deeper” behind my fears and tears.  After a momentary pause, her response was simple and sincere… and one I will never forget, “I believe in you!”  It was her sincere and honest response that shook me out of my self-absorption, my world of fear and doubt.  Through her I came to know the strength and power of the Spirit of Jesus within me.  I was being stretched toward a deeper trust in God.

Throughout the years, I’ve come to see again and again how Jesus awakens us in unexpected ways from our preoccupation with fear, often through the very persons God places in our lives.  I’m grateful for the many messengers who have had an impact on my life; persons who have helped awaken in me a deeper trust in God’s constant love and leading.

As a Sylvania Franciscan Sister striving to live the Gospel mission as a “messenger of peace,” how often I have found myself sharing these same words of encouragement with others whose fearful hearts cry out for some hope and reassurance!  “I believe in you!”

Sister Brenda Rose Szegedy

Retreat Ministry

Sr. Brenda Rose Szegedy

Sister Brenda Rose Szegedy has ministered as teacher, formation minister, retreat director and spiritual guide.  For the past 14 years she has served as a member of the preaching team at Christ the King Retreat Center in Buffalo, MN.  Sister Brenda Rose relocated to the Motherhouse in Sylvania, OH in 2022 to continue sharing her gifts among her Sisters in community and others in the surrounding area as retreat minister and spiritual companion.  She believes with an ever-deepening conviction that every story is sacred.

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4 years ago
4 years ago

hydra официальный – gidra, hydra официальный

Sister Mary Thill
7 years ago

Thanks, Brenda Rose, for your willingness to share your doubt and your belief in YOU and your talents.
We certainly do help each other when we support one another in our respective journeys.

Mary Fran
7 years ago

Brenda Rose, this touched into experiences I’ve had. Beautifully told.

Sister Maria Pacelli
7 years ago

Thank you, Brenda Rose, for sharing your story. It speaks to all of us.

Sister Shannon Schrein
7 years ago

Brenda Rose, I really enjoyed reading your blog and related to it in many ways. Those old “insecurity tapes” run in me sometimes. It is good to have a friend or sister remind us that we are gifted and capable and that God walks with us always. Thanks for sharing. Shannon

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