Being Green
February 22, 2019
Inspiration from Cheese Puffs
March 8, 2019Sister M. Aloise Paluszak died at Rosary Care Center in Sylvania, Ohio on February 11, 2019. The daughter of James and Agnes Paluszak came to the convent from Nativity Parish, Toledo, Ohio in 1941. She made her first profession of vows in 1947 and her final vows in 1950.
Sister Aloise spent more than 71 years in religious life serving the People of God in a variety of ministries. She received her B.S.E. and M.A. degrees in math from the University of Detroit. For 34 years she taught math in elementary and secondary schools in Michigan, Ohio and Minnesota. She briefly served as a public relations representative in a Texas hospital and was a school librarian in Steubenville, Ohio. Sister spent 21 years ministering as a Pastoral Assistant at two parishes in Michigan. After serving in these very active ministries, Sister Aloise returned to the Motherhouse in Sylvania where she provided transportation to the elder Sisters at Rosary Care Center (RCC) for 12 years. Her final ministries were as receptionist at RCC and as a companion to the Sisters to doctor appointments. She also provided loving and dedicated care to Sister Eucharista, her friend, who preceded her in death in January.
Anyone who knew and worked with Sister Aloise knew that she loved her work wherever and whatever it was. Her sister, Sister Geraldine, who is also a Sylvania Franciscan, remembers her as someone who loved religious life and loved her community of Sisters. She attended as many campus activities as she could, even the sports events at Lourdes University. Even as Sister Aloise became more frail herself, she managed to stay active and helped out in any way she could.