Dinner and a Book – Join us Sept. 28
August 8, 2022
Sr. Ann Francis Klimkowski, OSF
September 7, 2022by Sr. Mary Thill, OSF
When I signed up to do a blog or two for this website, I really didn’t know exactly what a blog was and I had read others so I just sort of went by what others wrote. I’m at a loss for words today so I thought I would look up the definition of just what a blog is and go from there.
A blog (a truncation for “weblog”) is a discussion or informational
website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete,
often informal diary-style text entries (posts). +Wikepedia
Further on in the website, there was a list of ten things to consider in a blog. I especially liked #8 Write from the heart, so that is what I’m doing this time. People tell me that I write as I talk. When they read something I wrote they feel like I’m talking to them and I do feel that is exactly what I’m doing most of the time. Even when I write minutes for meetings I’m more conversational than some minute-takers and besides, it helps me stay awake during the meeting. It also makes for more interesting reading for those who have attended the meeting and refreshes the content of the meeting in a more personal way. At least that’s what I’ve been told.
Another reason for writing about blogging is that there wasn’t one specific thing or person or place that I wanted to write about today. I thought about writing about the importance of legacy, one’s personal legacy, and I will probably do that in the future. Our Sister Geraldine Paluszak’s Storyworth bound book about her life is something I wish we all could do before we move on to greener pastures. I’m a follower of Father Richard Rohr and his daily reflections from his Center for Action and Contemplation often set off inspiring and challenging themes for my continued spiritual growth and ongoing formation. Even a quotation from a variety of spiritual writers can set me off on a journey that helps me clarify something I’ve been thinking about or wrestling with for a long time. I receive a Spiritual Practice of the Day from a Spirituality and Practice website that launches me into writing my monthly Spiritually Speaking column for a local newspaper, HEALTHY LIVING NEWS. That’s been going on for 24 years!
So you see, a blog can actually be a tool for communicating to others what’s going on in your life and sharing your wisdom and insights, your struggles and sorrows in an open forum. What I like about it is that the reader can agree or reject what you wrote and do so in a civilized way or not, it’s totally up to them. Sometimes I get comments and sometimes I don’t and I’m just glad that I was able to share my thoughts from the heart with a broader audience. Praise God for the many and varied gifts we are to one another!
Sister Mary Thill
Sister Mary Thill has been working with elders for almost 50 years. She was the Administrator of Rosary Hall when it became the new home for the retired Sisters. She designed the Gerontology Program at Lourdes College and taught there for 22 years. She recently retired from being a Patient Liaison to Elders at Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center, Toledo. Sister Mary is currently assisting in the Sisters’ Archives where she is learning more and more about the legacy of the Sylvania Franciscans and how to enjoy life as an Elder.
Thank you, dear Sister Mary. I enjoyed reading your blog, including your playful title! You have a delightful way of writing; I had forgotten that you’ve been writing your articles for Healthy Living News for nearly a quarter of a century. I recall and appreciate so much that you faithfully sent me copies of those articles when still living and ministering in California and Oregon state. Your loving thoughtfulness is a blessing to so many of us! Sr. Brigid
Sister Mary T., I enjoyed your explanation of what a “blog” is and you have been gifted with a real unique sense of words. Thank you for your thoughts this time. Anything you write is always from the heart and it is as if your are speaking directly to the reader. Bless you for this gift.