Loving Families
August 21, 2017
May we be open to learning and living what is ours to do
September 5, 2017by Sister Aloise Paluszak
By surprise, I saw an old friend Joan, one morning at Mass in a wheel chair in our Rosary Care Center (RCC) chapel. Back when I was ministering at Mt. Carmel Church in Temperance, MI, I remembered Joan as a faithful member there.
On that particular morning, she left chapel a bit early as she was receiving post-operative Rehab therapy. Meeting each other for respites at the RCC front porch swing, in a needed wheelchair or even playing a one-time Bingo game were delightful times.
I saw her sitting for quite some time in the sun by Our Lady of Grace Hall (located next to RCC), the day before she was being discharged, I went to check if the slight incline was a deterrent to proceeding, but she was already ahead observing the views from her wheelchair. As she heard a voice, she carefully circled around to tell me she had a lovely morning in meditation and shared that her three weeks at RCC had been the best retreat she had ever made.
All at RCC can praise God for that and for all of God’s Creation which residents and visitors may experience while here. The next morning she was leaving for her residence in Temperance with pleasant memories of her weeks of rehabilitation with us at RCC.
Sr. Aloise touched on an important part of rehab. I’m so glad she shared how good it is to “retreat” on our holy grounds. Thank you for sharing your friend’s experience, Sr. Aloise.
Sister Ann Lorette
Great blog, Sister Alosie, thanks for sharing your story and reminding us that there are many ways to think about rehabilitation including a time for prayer and reflection. Well done.
Thanks for sharing this special moment with us. Yes, Rosary Care Center can be a retreat
experience if one lets herself/himself be open to it. Praise God!