Meet Sister M. Samuel Lubeck, OSF

Detroit, MI
Her lifelong ministry in education began in 1959 and continued until 2014. Sister taught grades 1-8 in MN and OH, leaving an indelible imprint on St. Joseph’s Parish in Galion, OH, where she served from 1981-2011. Returning to the Motherhouse, she tutored at the Franciscan Academy until 2014, then served as a driver for RCC residents and, until recently, as a Holy Aroma alchemist. Sister is currently in prayer ministry.
A faithful friend is a sure shelter and whoever finds one has found a rare treasure, she says, quoting Ecclesiasticus. Sister, who led a massive soda can drive in Galion, OH each year to earn money to cover tuition for every child to go to camp, smiles, knowing her true wealth. “I made some beautiful friends in Galion and I miss them.”