Meet Sister Maria Pacelli Spino, OSF

Toledo, OH
From 1958-1986, Sister taught grades 1-5 in OH, MN, and MI, ending her ministry in education with an additional two years as Librarian and Tutor at St. Raphael School in Garden City, MI. In 1988 she was called back to the Motherhouse where Sister Jeanne Marie mentored her in the Finance Office as the Lay Employees’ Retirement Plan Administrator. After 32 years of service, Sister retired from the Finance Office in 2021. She continues her ministry at Alverno Studio, as Mailroom Coordinator and an assistant in the Spirituality Center.
God is in the Details: Sister finds beauty in long daily walks where she revels in the infinite details of changing seasons, in the brush strokes of glossy glaze transforming red clay tile, in the sound of her voice joining her Sisters in joyful song, in losing herself in a good book, and, when needed, using her organizational skills.