Sister Paula Blevins, OSF

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Meet Sister Paula Blevins, OSF

Paula Blevins

Detroit, MI

First Profession:



Sister’s ministry began in the kitchen, serving in dietary from 1972-1979. In 1979 she went to Steubenville, Ohio, continued her education and served as a laboratory technologist, specializing in microbiology. The last year of her 40-year healthcare ministry she served in a South Bend, Indiana laboratory. Currently, Sister serves in the Lourdes Biology Dept. and ministers at the Motherhouse through service and music.

Prayer Notes: Sister prays often and she doesn’t keep it to herself. You can hear her in conversation with God every time she picks up her clarinet and brings music into the air. You can see it as she spends time with those less fortunate, gently holding out her arm to help, her heart a plaintive melody on her sleeve.

Day by day, day by day, Oh, Dear Lord, three things I pray, To see You more clearly, love You more dearly, follow You more nearly.”

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