Welcoming Diversity: Creating Community for All
November 6, 2019
November 29, 2019
Welcoming Diversity: Creating Community for All
November 6, 2019
November 29, 2019

by Sr. Roselynn Humbert

Here in Ohio, we had a big change on November 11.  Fall was gone and winter was here.  This reminded me of some other changes lately. I was on an antibiotic for a slight infection. It went away and then came back.  My doctor said I must be too old for a five-day antibiotic and put me on a ten-day regimen.

Our chaplain of many years, Fr. Wilhelm, is no longer able to say Mass for us. We all remember the beautiful homilies he preached for Jubilees and many other special celebrations.

I have been asked to change offices from Regina Hall 133 to an office near my “studio” in the basement of Regina Hall.

Some of these changes are easier to accept than others. There is nothing I can do about getting older.  It just happens.  I try to keep healthy.  I cannot stop the years from passing by.

I will miss Fr. Wilhelm as our chaplain. I will pray for him as he begins this next journey.

Moving offices is nothing new.  In the ten years or so that I have been ministering here at the Motherhouse I have moved at least four times. I work part time now and do spend time in the “studio” making and planning greeting cards. Moving the Volunteer Ministry Office will really make it more convenient. It did take me a while to get my head around this move. As in all these other life changes, attitude is most important. I try to be positive.

I am grateful that my ministry of making greeting cards and preparing classes for those who enjoy this hobby are so successful. There is the joy of finding just the right colors and papers as well as the feedback from the class participants. Then there are the many volunteers who help prepare for each class. The volunteers help with the Scrapbooking Fundraisers too. As much as I enjoy these activities, I realize that I can no longer do these things by myself. It is a joy to share with others committed to our mission and ministry.  I now rejoice in this change.

We all face changes large and small daily.  I invite you to reflect on change in your life.  How do you approach it?  What is your attitude toward change? What could help you accept change more gracefully? November is a month of gratitude; what are some of the things are you grateful for?

Sister Roselynn Humbert

Sister Roselynn Humbert

Sister Roselynn Humbert is the Director of Volunteers for the Sisters of St. Francis. She is active in her parish, St. Pius X, and uses her artistic talents to lead card-making and scrapbooking classes for All Good Things Art & Gifts and to raise funds for Sylvania Franciscan Ministries.

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Sr Brigid O'Shea Merriman
5 years ago

Thank you for your blog; it is a great help to be reminded that we live in times of change, both for ourselves and others. I certainly agree: some changes are easier than others! Thank you, too, for your positive attitude

Mary Thill
5 years ago

Thanks for your refection on the changes that may occur in life as we move along on our life journey.
Good luck with the move!

Maira Pacelli
5 years ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about change in our lives. You are right – attitude is the key. We are grateful for you and your blogs!

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