Sister M. Madeleine Sito, OSF
March 18, 2019
Standing at the Y-Split of Life
April 4, 2019Sr. Roselynn Humbert, OSF
What did I think I would be doing when I got to this age? Staying home and alone? My reality is so far from this. I have had forceful reminders this month. One of the things I love to do is bring people together. If we can inform, educate, or raise funds for one of our ministries, all the better. At my parish, St. Pius X, I help organize Club 55. We seniors meet three or four times a year for lunch and a short program and our latest get-together was for a Lenten Potluck Lunch. Sr. Janice Peer was our speaker. She did a great job and reflected back to me that we had such a welcoming group. The group invites any parishioner 55 or older and we are seeing new faces at the luncheons. There is a great spirit among us as we build relationships with each other. I am often surprised when parishioners I do not know by name greet me as “Sister.” There are relationships here I am not even aware of.
A project I started a few years ago is a once or twice yearly Scrapbooking Fundraiser sometimes called a “Crop.” It is something like the old quilting bees. Women bring their supplies and work all day on their crafts. Jill Oblizajek is there with supplies and suggestions and my sister, Lynn, shops all year for items for the raffle. This week Jill called to say that one of our frequent participants, Lisa, had died suddenly and her sister, Carrie, wanted me to know. Lisa and Carrie had also been donors to our raffle. I just knew I needed to visit the funeral home. When I met Carrie, the tears came. We have a relationship, one that allowed her to cry in my presence.
As I age, I sometimes think my ministry diminishes. But, while it’s true that I may not lead a classroom, I still extend the mission and ministry of the Sylvania Franciscans in so many ways. As Director of Volunteers, I still meet many people and interact with our volunteers in many ways. I may not have a full time job but I still contribute to the ongoing life of this Franciscan community. As each of us grows older, we continue to use our gifts for the good of the Church. I know our volunteers share their gifts, and continue in their commitment because the Sisters they work with value and respect their contributions. Our volunteer drivers value the time they spend with the Sisters.
Take a moment today and reflect on your circle of influence. How do you bring a peaceful, joyful spirit to your world? What gifts can you celebrate as you build relationships?
You are so right…we influence others in so many ways, some of which we don’t realize
and if we’re lucky, some of which we actually hear how we do so. Thanks for sharing
your experiences with us.