Inspiration from Cheese Puffs
March 8, 2019
Our Circles of Influence
March 22, 2019Sister M. Madeleine Sito died at Rosary Care Center in Sylvania, Ohio, on March 15, 2019. The daughter of Martin and Bernice Sito, Sister Madeleine came to the convent from St. Ladislaus Parish, Hamtramck, Michigan in 1942. She made her first profession of religious vows in 1946 and her final vows in 1949.
Sister Madeleine lived her religious life with dedication and devotion for almost 73 years. She served as an elementary school teacher in schools in Ohio, Minnesota and Michigan for 49 years. In her later years she briefly worked as a receptionist at Providence Hospital in Sandusky, Ohio. She moved on to be the church librarian and a catechist at St. Ladislaus Parish in Hamtamck, Michigan. She transitioned again and served as the switchboard operator and tutor at the Motherhouse in Sylvania, Ohio. Her last ministry over the past 11 years was in Third Age Ministry where Sister offered her prayers and suffering for the many needs of the church, the community and the world.
Sister Madeleine was known for her quiet, gentle spirit and was very conscientious about any task given her to do in her ministries. She was of great help to her parents in their later years and she was also devoted to her brother.
Sister will be missed by her Sisters in community, the caring staff at Rosary Care Center and her family and friends.