Rain is a blessing from God

What I’ve Learned From My Move
July 10, 2015
Hate Wont Win
July 24, 2015
What I’ve Learned From My Move
July 10, 2015
Hate Wont Win
July 24, 2015

By Sister Julie Myers, OSF

Yesterday’s rains cause me to reflect on two things. First, the reminder in scripture that rain is a blessing from God:

Secondly, the powerful Jubilee celebration for 13 of my Franciscan Sisters which occurred just a few short weeks ago. That very day, the rains came in jubilant celebration singing heaven’s praises for the work of my sisters’ hands and the bountiful love of their hearts. And the heavens sang and sang and sang… torrentially sang all day long.

We can look at rain as a gift and blessing from God or as a burden and disappointment for our plans. The Sylvania Franciscans welcomed the rains and saw them as God’s blessing upon us all. The liturgy was filled with deep prayer, beautiful music, a powerful homily from our chaplain and a home full of family, friends, priests and sisters. We gathered to circle around our sisters in praise and gratitude for their cumulative 740 years of “living the gospel in joyful servanthood among all people”. Our celebrants include two sisters (also twins) celebrating their 75th, four sisters celebrating their 60th and seven sisters celebrating their 50th jubilee—which, for us, starts at the time of our First Profession.

Many of these women felt called to engage in this lifestyle and eventually to consecrate their lives to God at the age of 13, while others came after high school. They knew the nudge meant more than just being nosey and their own calling was deeper than just an interest they had about how nuns lived. Did they know what they were saying “yes” to?

I don’t think anyone really comprehends what their “yes” means until they engage in life’s opportunities and live their professed “yes” in the daily routines. I believe it is the ordinary times of our lives that we discover the extraordinariness of our own person. It is then that we live into our best selves and there find the will of God.

So, the next time it rains, go out to welcome God’s blessings—giving praise and thanks to God for this bounty upon the work of your hands and heart!

Sister Julie Myers

Religious Life Reaching the Online Community

Sister Julie MyersWe are all called by God to be our best selves and, if opened to the grace, to serve in ways far beyond our imagining. Sr Julie’s vocational journey reflects this statement as she has utilized her gifts and talents as a physical therapist assistant, sacristan, vocation minister and now as Program Director for A Nun’s Life Ministry.

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Jenna E. Caruthers
6 years ago

Your scripture reference in the graphic is errant. It’s verse 12 of Deuteronomy 28–not verse 1

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