Winnie the Pooh Wisdom

old letters
With Hearts Full of Gratitude
January 19, 2024
Sister Jane Mary Sorosiak, OSF
March 21, 2024
old letters
With Hearts Full of Gratitude
January 19, 2024
Sister Jane Mary Sorosiak, OSF
March 21, 2024

by Associate Judy Miske

By Associate Judy Miske

January 2024

BookI am always praying for ways to live in the present moment, letting go of the complications of life when they cause me stress and when I get too busy trying to accomplish things. I’ve remembered a lesson learned long ago from an unusual source: Winne the Pooh.

Winnie the Pooh knows how to let go of these things.

Pooh often said to Christopher Robin, “I am a bear of little brain.” His gentle humility reminds me to see things more simply.

When asked by Christopher Robin what he was doing, Pooh would often answer, “Nothing, Christopher Robin, adding, “doing nothing often leads to the very best something.”

A.A Milne’s character friend, Pooh Bear, lived each day allowing inner wisdom to lead his way. Thinking of this, I recall that Sr. Michaeline taught me to ‘waste time creatively’. I believe I have often come up with creative ideas that way. I have learned to let go of the stress of always being busy and ‘producing’.

Pooh often asked Christopher Robin: “What day is it?”

Robin would answer, “Why, it’s today.”

Pooh would say, “Oh good! That’s my favorite day.”

I agree with Pooh because it’s a great way of living in the present, in the Now. I still have a candle from Chapter of Mats 2018 which continues to inspire me to live in the present. It has a label on it that reads: Igniting Our Sacred Now.

Winnie, the Pooh (A.A. Milne) reminds me in very simple words how to find “wisdom ways” to live each day.


Judy Miske

Judy Miske has been a Sylvania Franciscan Associate for 21 years. She is a retired teacher who also spent eight years in the airline industry, and has been a pastoral care volunteer for over 15 years. Judy was a member of the Sylvania Franciscan community until she was 27. She lives in New Brighton, MN.

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Sister Ann Lorette
3 months ago

Judy, you gave us much to reflect on, through Winnie the Pooh. I shall always remember, “What is today?
It’s my favorite day!”
Let’s make each day our favorite day- a day to be alive, thankful and happy!

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