2021 Reflections

Why the COVID-19 Vaccine is Different
January 8, 2021
Sister Jane Mary Radio Interview
January 27, 2021
Why the COVID-19 Vaccine is Different
January 8, 2021
Sister Jane Mary Radio Interview
January 27, 2021

by Sr. Roselynn Humbert

We are now full into 2021. Do we feel the change?  For me, days just go by one after another with little more than the calendar numbers changing. Monday are still Mondays and my daily habits go on as before.  It is really up to me to make a change. The future of this year has very few predetermined outcomes.  We hope the vaccine will halt the spread of COVID 19. We know a new president has been inaugurated, but beyond the near future, we are not able to predict large-scale change.

Today I had an event many in my age group have: a doctor’s appointment. I was meeting a new doctor since my previous cardiologist has relocated. The entire procedure at the office had changed and it threw me off. I entered the wrong building. It was suggested I walk to the correct building inside instead of going outside. What a maze. On the last lap, a kind nurse offered to walk with me to the physician’s office and explain my predicament. I was so grateful for her kindness.

The new doctor was very thorough and ordered blood work. Thank goodness the lab was on the first floor of the same building. The receptionist warned me that there were many waiting ahead of me but I was okay with that. As part of the new procedures, there is a greeter at the door, taking temperatures and asking the COVID questions in case you had not registered in your car. This gentleman was an inspiration. Many folks were hard of hearing or disoriented as I was. He was gentle, caring, and loud enough to be heard. He always asked if the person knew where to go. He always had a smile in his voice even with the mask on and though not a young person, showed energy and enthusiasm as person after person came through the door. Sometimes it was difficult to explain that he needed to take their temperature at the wrist. He showed no signs of frustration or asides to anyone no matter how difficult it was to communicate through the masks.

After watching him a while I caught his eye and he came closer.  I told him what an inspiration he was. He said, “People are scared and angry. They just need a little care and comfort these days.”  I agreed with him and we spoke a few more words.  I told him that I was a Sister and I notice these things.  He was touched and grateful for my support.  How easy it would have been to just think good thoughts instead of putting them into words.  We never know how our actions, words and attitudes affect others. It is a good thing to share a positive observation.  Where can you make a positive impact today? Who needs a little cheering up or a word of support? You never know how it may come back to you.

I guess the biggest question is, “What do I want to change?”  That can be answered in two ways.  What do I decide I want to change in myself or my routine and what do I want to change in the outside world? Changing myself is the biggest challenge.  I have lived long enough to know that vague New Year’s Resolutions are not very effective. To really change I need to develop new habits and responses to my environment and my daily living. There are many supports out there for these changes.

Journaling is one useful practice.  The use of bullet journals is also popular. A thoughtful journal can lead to insight into the reason for roadblocks on the journey to change.  A bullet journal itemizes the goals for the day or the week and gives one the opportunity to check off items as they are completed. Some of us find procrastination is the enemy of completing tasks. There is always another time, another day, a better feeling. Just having it written down and then checked off can be very helpful for procrastinators.

Sister Roselynn Humbert

Sister Roselynn Humbert

Sister Roselynn Humbert is the Director of Volunteers for the Sisters of St. Francis. She is active in her parish, St. Pius X, and uses her artistic talents to lead card-making and scrapbooking classes for All Good Things Art & Gifts and to raise funds for Sylvania Franciscan Ministries.

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Cathy Carle
4 years ago

Surely miss your card classes. Feeling non-creative in this lockdown. Your block and smiling photo are uplifting! Hope we can all get out soon!

Sr Brigid O'Shea Merriman
4 years ago

Thank you for your inspiring blog, and the reminder that small kindnesses can touch and inwardly heal others. You gave us an uplift, dear Sister.

Eileen Kerner
4 years ago

Spreading positive vibes will change someone’s life….Thanks Sr. R.

Sharon Havelak
4 years ago

Thanks, Roselynn for reminding us that a little kindness goes a long way!

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