Meet Sister Gervase Lochotzki, OSF
Oak Harbor, OH
First Profession:
Sister’s over 60 years in the ministry of education began in 1952 and took her to Detroit, Minneapolis, Cincinnati, Wyandotte and to several local schools where she taught grades 1 – 8. In 1983, Adult Literacy and GED study became Sister’s ministry. She served until 1989 with the Mt. Christ Appalachian Project in Kentucky, at Toledo Public Schools, Stauzenberger College, Vistula, Fresh Attitude, Inc., Luther Home of Mercy, University of Toledo, Aurora Academy, the WIN Center at Lourdes College, Women Blessing Women, and Bethany House.
Musical Rewards: Sisters’ many years in Appalachia serving the poor and marginalized brought her the unexpected extra gift of learning to play the Appalachian lap dulcimer.