Meet Sister Jane Mary Sorosiak, OSF
Toledo, OH
First Profession:
Sister taught grade school for a few years and, from 1961 – 1976, taught Art and English at Cardinal Stritch H.S. in Oregon, OH and then served as Assistant Professor of Art at Lourdes University for 28 years. Since 2004, Sister has served as the Director of Alverno Studio. Her mural work is installed nationwide.
First Job: St. Hedwig’s second grade teacher Sister Gerald gave her a roll of wallpaper to cover three sides of the classroom. For her first mural, Sister drew children playing among the trees and her classmates helped color in the scenes.
Gratitude: Everything I’ve been able to do has been for the honor and glory to God. I don’t believe I could have done any of it if I hadn’t become a Sylvania Franciscan.