Sister Janeen Sobczak, OSF

Sister Jane Mary Sorosiak, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Janet Snyder, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Jane Mary Sorosiak, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Janet Snyder, OSF
December 31, 2021

Meet Sister Janeen Sobczak, OSF

Date of Birth:


Date Called Home:


Sisters of St Franceis - 2018 Jubilee

Toledo, OH

First Profession:



Sister began teaching grade school in 1942, transitioning in 1956 to High School English and Latin. She served as a School Counselor for nearly 20 years. She returned to the Motherhouse in 1985 and served in ministries that included Registrar Assistant, Purchasing, Supply Director, Driver and Receptionist.

This Little Light: Sister lights up the room with a delightful wit that’s as sharp as her style, a cheery Franciscan joy matched by humble graciousness, a keen sense of adventure and a deep love of God and community.

Additional Names/Nicknames


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