Sister Jeanette Zielinski, OSF

Sister Janice Marie Peer, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Jeanine Sokolowski, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Janice Marie Peer, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Jeanine Sokolowski, OSF
December 31, 2021

Meet Sister Jeanette Zielinski, OSF


Toledo, OH

First Profession:



Sister taught grades 4-8 for 20 years then served as School Principal in OH and MI for over a decade. In 1985 she accepted a ministry in Joliet, IL which led to serving as Superintendent of Catholic Schools. She returned to the Motherhouse in 1996 to serve on the Leadership Team for two terms, then spent 13 years as a Parish Associate in Upper Sandusky, OH. Since coming home in 2017, Sister has served her community with her beautiful music ministry.

Trust in God: “When asked to do a new ministry, I’ve always said yes and let the Spirit guide me. God has always made each new thing a wonderful experience,” she says, sharing “Jesus I want to live for you. Jesus, I want to die for you. Jesus, I am yours in life. Jesus, I am yours in death.”

Additional Names/Nicknames


Sister Jeanette

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