Sister M. Kateri Theriault, OSF

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December 31, 2021
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December 31, 2021
Sister M. Irenaeus Samsel, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister M. Keith Marcinak, OSF
December 31, 2021

Meet Sister M. Kateri Theriault, OSF


St. Paul, MN

First Profession:



Sister taught grades 1-5 in OH and MI until 1973. She served the Diocese of Toledo in the Vocation office until 1979, then, in the Diocese of Cincinnati until 1984. At the Motherhouse, she opened the Ministry Office and helped Sisters transition to new ministry. Sister began a three-year ministry working with pregnant teens and teaching adoptive parents in Las Vegas, NV before being called by her Community to serve on Leadership for two terms. In 2001, she began ministry as Director of Mission Integration at St. Leonard in Centerville, OH until 2016 and offered Spiritual Care until 2018. Since 2019, Sister has served as the Director of Mission Integration for the Sisters’ employees.

“In the joy of my youth, I gave you my heart,” she says, quoting Sister Remegia. Sister credits becoming a Sylvania Franciscan for surrounding her in beauty, beauty that she recognizes each day as she experiences the kaleidoscope of God reflected in each person, creation and moment.

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