Sister Mary Thill, OSF

Sister Mary Peter Kaminski, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Myra Ciesielski, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Mary Peter Kaminski, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Myra Ciesielski, OSF
December 31, 2021

Meet Sister Mary Thill, OSF


Minneapolis, MN

First Profession:



Sister taught grades 2-6 in OH and MI from 1963-1973, then returned to school to study Gerontology at U. of M. She returned to the Motherhouse to serve as the first Administrator for Rosary Hall from 1974-1980. In 1975, Sister also began a 21-year ministry creating and chairing the Gerontology program at Lourdes. She served as an ageing specialist at Sophia Center for five years, worked in Social Ministry in the Diocese of Toledo from 2003-2005, and, from 2005-2021, as a Patient Liaison for Mature Connections at St. Vincent Medical Center. Sister currently ministers in the Congregational Archives and as a published writer.

‘Just to be is a blessing, just to live is holy’ – Rabbi Abraham Heschel. From an early age, Sister got along famously with her elders, beginning with her beloved grandmother whom her cousins thought ‘cantankerous.’ Now ‘retired,’ Sister collects, curates and celebrates the history of 522 Sylvania Franciscans, many of whom she knew and loved dearly.

Additional Names/Nicknames

Robert Francis

Sister Mary

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