Sister Nancy Ann Johnson, OSF

Sister Nancy Ferguson, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Nancy Linenkugel, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Nancy Ferguson, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Nancy Linenkugel, OSF
December 31, 2021

Meet Sister Nancy Ann Johnson, OSF


Toledo, OH

First Profession:



Her ministry in education included 26 years teaching grades 1-8 in OH, MI and MN. She transitioned to health care in 1980, studying at Providence Hospital in Sandusky. She provided care to her Sisters at the Motherhouse Infirmary and, from 1985-2002, ministered as a Physical Therapy Aide at Providence in Sandusky. She remained in Sandusky as a House Custodian until 2009, when she returned to the Motherhouse and joined the Holy Aromas team.

They called her Dr. Nancy: Open to learning everything available and, admittedly, single-focused, Sister throws herself into whatever task is set before her, which is why this teacher turned health care provider ended up knowing how to do just about everything on her floor. “I love people and I love order,” she says. “I was able to use those qualities in both the classroom and in the hospital.”

Additional Names/Nicknames

John Capistran
Sister Nancy

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