Meet Sister Patricia Taube, OSF
Detroit, MI
Sister taught grades 1-7 from 1957-1969, then transitioned to Religious Education, serving as the Director for the Diocese of Toledo and, later, Steubenville. From 1985-1989, Sister served in ministry as a Correctional Chaplain for the State of Ohio. She moved to Huntington, WV to complete her CPE and continue Chaplaincy, serving her residency at Cabell Huntington Hospital and as a Chaplain at St. Mary Hospital from 1994-2008. Sister currently serves as a spiritual director at the Motherhouse.
Tuned In: Sister’s extensive time recovering these past few years has given her a great deal of time to talk to God – and to listen to God. Sister credits her recent survival, as well as coming through all previous scrapes with death, to the abundant prayers offered to God on her behalf. “It’s not just me,” she explains, “it’s each of you. He is listening.”
Sister Pat