Praying My Greeting Cards

Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 13, 2023
What to do for Lent?
February 3, 2023
Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 13, 2023
What to do for Lent?
February 3, 2023

By Sister Karen Zielinski, OSF


Some people take their old Christmas, anniversary or birthday cards and reuse them by cutting out the picture or verse on them and making new cards or using them in craft projects.  I like to recycle the spirit of my cards.

The mantra for being gentle with goods, “Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.” fits this spiritual greeting card recycling process.  Usually, you take a greeting card you just received, and you stand it up on your desk for a week or so.  After a while, you take the card and toss it in the recycled paper bin.

But what if you place it in a basket in your prayer corner, living room or anywhere where you read, pray or meditate?   I like to place my cards in a little basket in my prayer space and leave them “alone” for a few weeks.  Then, when I have my cup of coffee or tea, and a moment to become quiet, I choose one or two cards at a time.  I look at the top of the card and admire the beauty of the artwork or lettering.  I enjoy the feel of the fine paper and reread the verse in the card and the words the sender wrote to me.  Then I am drawn to their name.

I say it aloud and then in my mind.  I pray for them, asking God to bless them with all good things, especially health.  I thank God for placing them in my life, for their generosity and support of me.  I ask God to bless them with a wonderful, positive surprise.  It takes me a few weeks to finish “praying my Christmas cards.”  Then I have a little respite—birthday cards are down the road!

Sister Karen Zielinski

Health and Spirituality 

Karen J. Zielinski, OSF, is a Sylvania Franciscan who has lived with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) since 1975.  She writes, speaks and consults regularly on issues relating to spirituality and health. Her recent book, Hope and Help for Living with Illness (Franciscan Media) discusses chronic disease and coping strategies and is addressed to both caregivers and patients.  Karen also writes a blog on spirituality and wellness--Soul Sister-- for the National MS Society website.

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sister irie
1 year ago

Great idea, Sr. Karen. I will try this. Always open for fresh ideas to my prayer time.

Judy Miske
1 year ago

This beautiful practice was shared with me a couple years ago! I so enjoyed reading your way of 🙏 praying the cards you receive. Thank you, Sr. Karen, for your blog contribution!

Sister Mary Thill
1 year ago

Good idea! I used to do this and you reminded me that I can do it again!

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