The Gift of Humor

Cooler Minds, Warmer Hearts
October 2, 2017
Autumn Morning Glories 
October 23, 2017
Cooler Minds, Warmer Hearts
October 2, 2017
Autumn Morning Glories 
October 23, 2017

By Sister Nancy Linenkugel

We’re now in autumn and thoughts turn to the natural beauty and outdoor activities that fill these crisp, gorgeous days.  Beyond that, as we approach another holiday season and especially the observance of Thanksgiving, our thoughts turn to many enjoyable pastimes, such as turkey dinner, Thanksgiving Day parades and football games on TV, Christmas shopping, and enjoying Thanksgiving feast leftovers.  Already stores are reminding us it’s getting closer for holiday gift-giving and decorating.

While I join with you in being thankful for many things year-round, I’m especially grateful for the gift of humor all around us.

Recently I was asked to make a two-minute video for garnering financial donations during a brief, two-day university fundraising blitz-type activity.  I had two minutes, no time to prepare, and no script.  “Just pitch for two minutes,” said the confident development office assistant.  “You can do that.”  Others in the department gathered around to help with movie-making details, like background (move the lamp, please, there’s a glare), appearance (any collar wrinkles?), and audio tests (it’s not loud enough).

Once we were ready and with the camera rolling, I reached for a paper cutout of one of the university’s two mascots, the Blue Blob, that I just happened to have handy.  While Xavier has The Musketeer as the main mascot—because being “All for One and One for All” means something around here—there’s a second mascot, the Blue Blob, that’s more whimsical.

Here’s how I began:

Me:  “Hello, Xavier Musketeers.  The Blob and I have a knock-knock joke for you.  OK Blob, go ahead.”

Blob: (actually me):  “Knock-knock”

Me:  “Who’s there?”

Blob:  “Radio.”

Me:  “Radio who?”

Blob:  “Radi-o-not it’s time to make your donation!”

Then I finished up with a brief pitch under 2 minutes total.

After the playback, I asked, “Was that too stupid?”  “Oh, no,” responded my administrative assistant.  “That’s just how you are.”

This Thanksgiving I’m seriously grateful for humor.






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Sister Mary Thill
6 years ago

Congratulations on celebrating HUMOR…one of my favorite characteristics.
A Knock-knock Joke! Really? Only you, Sister Linenkugel could get away
with that. Keep on knocking! Sister Thill

Sister Shannon Schrein
6 years ago

Nance, You are the “Queen of cornography!”

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