Sylvania Franciscan Elected President of International Theology Society
April 14, 2016Answering the Challenge
April 22, 2016By Sister Pam Nosbusch, OSF
I sometimes tell people that the signs of Spring are the mallards returning to my apartment complex, the geese getting frisky and the pollen alert emails start showing up in my inbox! Another sign of Spring is the birds building their nests.
Two years ago a robin built her nest on top of the light fixture on my balcony. It was fun watching to see when the baby robins hatched. Then keeping an eye out for them as they grew and eventually flew away.
Last year I was disappointed there was no nest on my balcony. But this year a Mother Robin decided to use my balcony light fixture as a safe place to build her nest and lay her eggs. When I am sitting where I can look out onto my balcony I notice the Mother Robin going back and forth gathering grass to hide her nest then to gather food once the babies hatch. It’s a fascinating process to watch!
This sign of new life and Spring reminds me that one thing we need as humans is the same as for our feathered friends. This need is to feel safe. Just as the Mother Robin feels safe about building her nest on my balcony light fixture where her babies can be nurtured and grow, we also need our safe place to be nurtured and grow. God can provide us with this safe place. Our safe place, whether internal or the safety of trusted friends and confidants, can help us find the new life that is ready to spring forth for each of us.
Thank you, Mother Robin, for teaching me such a good lesson!