Remembering What Lent is all About

Lessons Learned When Relocating
March 5, 2021
Catholic Sisters Week is March 8-14
March 8, 2021
Lessons Learned When Relocating
March 5, 2021
Catholic Sisters Week is March 8-14
March 8, 2021

by Sr. M. Rosalma Kmiec

An Unusual Pair

The Cross and the Crown,

what an unusual pair,

So badly criticized,

labeled unfair.


Yet look at the Gospels,

God’s stories to us

All try to explain –

no need to fuss.


Jesus Almighty,

Son of the most High,

Bore the Cross without grumbling,

so willing to die.


I need to remember

the lessons given,

The Cross comes first

then the Crown in Heaven!

Sister M. Rosalma Kmiec

Since making her first profession in 1954, Sister M. Rosalma Kmiec served in many ministries, including teaching and principal roles, directing the House of Prayer, Assistant Enrichment Director, Rosary Care Center (RCC) Director, and Pastoral Care at RCC. She will always remember her first teaching assignment where she was given a classroom filled with 60 first-grade students. “I really feared I wasn’t getting anywhere, but, thank God, they miraculously did learn! I’ve been grateful to hear from many of my students who remember me and come back into my life to thank me.”

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Sr Brigid O'Shea Merriman
3 years ago

Thank you for your lovely poem reflection on Lent, dear Sister Rosalma!

Darlene Johnson
3 years ago

What a beautiful and moving poem. Thanks so much for sending it.
God bless
Darlene Johnson

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