Meet Sister Jeanine Sokolowski, OSF
Minneapolis, MN
Sister taught for 36 years, specializing in grades 4 – 6. Her ministry took her to OH, MI, MN, MS and TX. In 1990, she dedicated her service to those in physical need, providing home health assistance in OH and MN, and at the Motherhouse, transportation for the sick, help in the finance office and gift shop. As receptionist in Umbria Square, she graced all who entered with a warm smile, a few words and, in parting, “God Bless You.”
The road to serenity: For Sister, finding her center is as simple as making the drive to her hometown in Minnesota, which, she explains, is really about the journey more than the destination. “The beauty of the landscape as it rolls by fills my soul. I am touched by God and he renews me as I drive.”
Sister Jeanine