Meet Sister Kathleen Ottrock, OSF
Detroit, MI
Sister taught grades 1-6 from 1956-1977 in OH, MI and MN and again, sixth grade at St. Anthony School in Belleville, MI from 1987-1992. Her ministry in music led her to serve as Music Minister and Liturgist for four decades, primarily in the Detroit and Lansing Dioceses.
Dance like nobody is watching: Sister’s particular brand of Sylvania Franciscan joy, musical and effervescent, is as infectious as her laugh and is, partially of course, responsible for many young girls who followed her into the Community. Her overwhelming love of God and sheer delight in beauty speak unselfconsciously in her every gesture. In appreciation of Sister’s natural flair for the dramatic, her Sisters once collaborated to bestow upon her the coveted “Sarah Bernhardt Award.”
Sister Philip Neri