Meet Sister M. Marguerite Polcyn, OSF

Toledo, OH
Sister taught grades K-4 for eight years before returning to school to study Physics and Math, which she later taught at Central Catholic H.S. from 1965 – 1977. She served as Asst. Prof. of Chem. at Lourdes until 1983 when she resumed studies at U.T. while working as a Grad. Research Asst. From 1987, Sister served as a Professor at Lourdes teaching Health & Wellness, Therapeutic Rec., Gerontology and Statistics until 2013. From 2013-2017, Sister served as a core member of the House of Prayer and now as an Individual Prayer Minister. From 2001-2020, Sister began Jail and Prison Ministry at the Corrections Cntr. of NW Ohio and, since 2014, the Toledo Correctional Institute, where she still serves.
Who among you feels fully alive? Inspired by St. Irenaeus, “The glory of God is man/woman fully alive,” Sister took this message to HS boys, college students, and men in prison. “No matter who or where you are,” she explains, “be aware, alert, alive for you are in God’s presence, always.”