Sister Mary Ann Szydlowski, OSF

Sister Mary Ann Grzeskowiak, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Mary Frances Reichenberger, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Mary Ann Grzeskowiak, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Mary Frances Reichenberger, OSF
December 31, 2021

Meet Sister Mary Ann Szydlowski, OSF


Wyandotte, MI

First Profession:



Sister’s ministry in health care began in 1966 as a student at Providence Hospital, and continued as an LPN until 1968 when she transferred to Holy Cross Hospital in Detroit. From 1970-1973, Sister ministered at St. Joseph Hospital in Bryan, TX. After becoming an RN, she returned to St. Joseph and later Providence Hospital, ministering until 1989. Back in Sylvania, she obtained a B.A. in Psych from Lourdes, then spent two years studying Massage Therapy and Polarity in Sante Fe, NM. In 1994 she began her practice, serving at Sophia Center and later Rosary Care Center.

The hands of Jesus. From an early age, Sister demonstrated love as she helped feed and raise her younger siblings, as a nurse turning mundane acts into healing moments, then, as an RN, leading her staff into daily action and later, by training her hands to listen as she heals with massage and energy therapy. She quotes Mother Teresa: “no person should die unloved or untouched.”

Additional Names/Nicknames


Sister Mary Ann

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