Sister Valerie Grondin, OSF

Sister Helen Frances Spears, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Rebecca Rutkowski, OSF
March 23, 2022
Sister Helen Frances Spears, OSF
December 31, 2021
Sister Rebecca Rutkowski, OSF
March 23, 2022

Meet Sister Valerie Grondin, OSF


Sandusky, OH

First Profession:



Sister Valerie’s ministry in education spans from 1965-2020, teaching at Elementary, HS and College levels. Sister ministered as Principal of SS. Peter & Paul School, Assoc. Principal at Cardinal Stritch, as Principal of St. Hedwig’s and served as a Lourdes Instructor until 2020. Sister was elected to Congregational Leadership in 2021.

“To give you a future full of hope” – Jeremiah 29:11 As a Principal working with the poor and marginalized, Sister knew that education was the key to her students finding success in life. “It’s hard for kids to learn when they are hungry,” she says. Or cold. Or angry. Or hurting. “Keeping the children coming to school meant solving the problems that kept them away,” Sister says. “My ministry was as much about social work as education,” she says softly, smiling as she remembers the families whose lives she touched. In 2021, Sister Valerie was elected to the Leadership Team as a Councilor.

Additional Names/Nicknames

Sister Valerie

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