Sister Margaret Hall, OSF, 1933-2020
November 27, 2020
Be Inspired by Lent
December 11, 2020This board game focusing on THRIVING during COVID has been created by Sr. Nancy Linenkugel, OSF. 
Will Mr. Cough or Minnie Mask infect you?
We’re all spending more time at home and in the house, so why not do something enjoyable during that self-imposed separation while emphasizing the precautions of social distancing, hand washing, and hand sanitizing? This game can easily be played both in-person around the family table as well as in an online format.
Sister Nancy tested the game with her family using an on-line format. The adults enjoyed it, one used it with her grade-school aged grandchildren, and one is a junior high health teacher who is using it with her students.
Download the Thrive Board Game – Keeping Safe During COVID
Watch the report on WTOL 11 about the THRIVE board game
THRIVE is a gift from the Sylvania Franciscans ©2020