Sister Marie Andrée Chorzempa, OSF

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Sister Maria Pacelli Spino, OSF
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Sister Mary Ann Grzeskowiak, OSF
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Meet Sister Marie Andrée Chorzempa, OSF

Date of Birth:


Date Called Home:



Minneapolis, MN

First Profession:



Sister’s remarkable ministry began teaching grades 1-4 from 1945-1956. She returned to school herself many times, earning degrees in Chemistry, Math, Philosophy, Theology and Phys. Science. Between 1958 and 1972, Sister taught sciences at St. Clare Acad. and Lourdes College, also serving as Asst. Postulant Mistress and later Registrar. In 1972 she was called to serve as Dean and then President of Lourdes. Elected Minister General in 1984, she served two terms. From 1994-2001, Sister ministered at St. Joseph Health in Bryan, TX then spent five happy years as Director of Religious Ed. for the Pueblos in Isleta, NM before returning to the Motherhouse to serve as Archivist until 2015.

A vowed woman religious, scientist, philosopher, educator and leader, Sister’s mind occupies itself with the question: What if? She’s given freely of her gifts, including growing Lourdes to a four-year University, leading her Community, teaching on the Pueblo reservation (and hosting tea parties), tireless aid to Haiti, and, sometimes, even sharing a bit of dark chocolate with a friend.

Additional Names/Nicknames


Sister Marie

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